ទីណាគ្មានការបើកសម្តែង បណ្តាជនលែងទប់ចិត្ត Where there is no vison, the people perish! Why? They have NO DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, no ideal dreams or vision for living! They have been dying! ពួកគេកំពុងធ្វើរូបគោមាស ដើម្បីថ្វាយបង្គំ! There have enormous things in the world to fool those who live aimlessly. The world casts of her restrain...THEY ARE PERISHING....DYING!!!!! To be able to live your future ideal life, you have to think about WHAT you really WANT and HOW to get IT most of the time - so give your mind some even more difficult assignments to do hence forth! PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT CONTENTS I. Think and Grow Rich Secret of Success Thoughts are Things Desire Faith Auto-Suggestion Specialized Knowledge Imagination Organized Planning Decision P ersistence Power of Master Mind The Mystery of Sex Transmutation The Sub-Conscious Mind The Brain The Sixth Sense How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear II. Grow Rich with Peace of Mind III. Keys of Success IV...