INTRODUCTION NOT Big Account BUT Big Thinking BY NGY PHANITH Why is this book special? Why is The Magic of Thinking Big? The vice president of a marketing company wanted to drive home a point. He desired to show his all staff of the difference a man - Harry, who had earned $60,000 a year and the rest of his other workers, who had made averaged $12,000. Now what's Harry got that the other rests haven't? Harry earned five times the average! Did He work five times harder than the others? Did He have higher education, better health? He was about as average as an average guy could be except for one thing. The difference between Harry and the rest of the other staff was that He thought five times bigger than the others. Then the executive proceeded to show that success is determined not so much by the size of one's brain but it is by the size of one's thinking. The size of bank accounts, the size of happiness accounts, and the size of one's general satisfaction accoun...