NOT Big Account BUT Big Thinking


Why is this book special? Why is The Magic of Thinking Big? The vice president of a marketing company wanted to drive home a point. He desired to show his all staff of the difference a man - Harry, who had earned $60,000 a year and the rest of his other workers, who had made averaged $12,000. Now what's Harry got that the other rests haven't? Harry earned five times the average! Did He work five times harder than the others? Did He have higher education, better health? 

He was about as average as an average guy could be except for one thing. The difference between Harry and the rest of the other staff was that He thought five times bigger than the others. Then the executive proceeded to show that success is determined not so much by the size of one's brain but it is by the size of one's thinking.  The size of bank accounts, the size of happiness accounts, and the size of one's general satisfaction account is dependent on the size of one's thinking

Much of our thinking is little, not big, no quality, insignificant and ineffective. All around us is an environment that is trying to pull us down. We are told almost every day that there are "too many chiefs and not enough Indians." or “those opportunities to lead no longer exist, that there is a surplus of chiefs, so be content to be a little guy. But this "too many chiefs" is simply not true!  The truth is that “there are too many Indians and not nearly enough chiefs."

This world says other things like "Whatever will be will be," that our destiny is beyond our control, that "fate" can never say no. So forget our ideal lives, forget those dreams, forget modern condos or villas , forget world famous universities for the children, forget our financial freedom! Be resigned. Lie down and wait to die. 

And who hasn't heard the statement that "Success, isn't worth the price," as if we have to sell our soul, our family lives, our conscience, our set of values to reach the top. But, in truth, success doesn't demand a price. Every step forward pays a dividend. This environment also tells us there's too much competition for the top spots in life. But is there? Much competition is usually ranked as well as noticed from top positions with less to bottom positions with more even the most.

There are countless vacancies waiting there for people like us who dare to think big. The Magic of Thinking Big comes from the very finest and biggest thinking minds yet to live on planet Earth. 

Mind like the prophet David, who wrote, As one thinketh in his heart, so is he; 

Mind such as Emerson, who said, "Great men are those who see that thoughts rule the world"; 

Mind like Milton, who in Paradise Lost wrote, "The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven." 

Mind like Shakespeare, who observed, "There is nothing either good or bad except that thinking makes it so." 

But where does the proof come from? How do we know the master thinkers were right, Fair questions. The proof comes from the lives of the select people around us who prove that thinking big does work magic through winning success, achievement, and happiness. 

The simple steps we have set down here are not untested theories. They are proven approaches to life's situations, and they are universally applicable steps that work and work like magic. That we're reading this page proves we are interested in larger success. We want to fulfill our desires, we want to enjoy a fine standard of living and we want this life to deliver to us all the good things you and I deserve. 

Being interested in success is a wonderful quality. We have another admirable quality. The fact that we're holding this book in our hands shows we have the intelligence to look for tools that will help take us where we want to go. In building anything automobiles, bridges, missiles, we need tools. Many of us attempt to build a successful life, forget there are tools to help us. We have not forgotten. Then we have the two basic qualities needed to realize real profit from this book: a desire for greater success and the intelligence to select a tool to help we realize that desire

Think Big and we'll live big, we'll live big in happiness, we'll live big in accomplishment. Big in income. Big in friends. Big in respect. These are simply enough for the promise. 

Start now, right now, to discover how to make our thinking make magic for us. Start out with this thought of the great philosopher Disraeli: "Life is too short to be little." 

In every chapter of this book we will find dozens of hardheaded, concepts or ideas, techniques, and principles for our daily practical application that will enable we to harness the tremendous power of thinking big, so as to gain for ourselves the success, happiness, and satisfaction we want so much. Every technique is dramatically by a real life observation. We discover not only what to do, but also what is even more important, we see exactly how to apply each principle to actual situations and problems. Here, then, is what this book will do for us; it will show us how we can ………..


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